Amber's 2017 Athletics Reflection.

2017 Athletics Reflection

Write your reflection on your participation, effort and performance in the 2017 Athletics competitions.

You could reflect on these questions.
  1. How well did I use a growth mindset to stay positive when the competition got tough?
  2. Did I manage to achieve my athletics goals and why/why not?
  3. In what ways did I represent my House well in the competition?
  4. What did I do well and how do I know?
  5. What was challenging and how do I know?
  6. What am I most proud of and why?

Start your writing here:

Day.1 - On Tuesday the year 4 - 8 ‘s had athletics the group I was in was the 11 year old girls and the first event we had was long jump. In long jump I only came 6th but at least I tried my best. Our 2nd event was discuss I was the 7th person to go up and have my turn and I got 2nd place, But Maddy laing came 1st. The 3rd event I don’t really want to talk about so I’ll just leave it out. The last event  the first day was sprint’s and I came 4th.

Day.2 - On Wednesday we had our last event the 11 year old girls had shot put My first throw was okay and then on my 2nd turn I got over the last line and ended up coming 1st with 7m and 72cm.

By Amber Moates

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