
I.A.L.T further develop my Maths knowledge and strategies through using Mathletics.

Oaklands School Jubliee

I.A.L.T recount the Oaklands School Jubilee.

In my piece of writing I am proud...
that I have used adjectives!

Buddy Reading

I.A.L.T develop my reading fluency.

Amber says...
I am proud of my skills because my buddy is called Savannah and she helps me do my reading!

P.E. Athletics

In athletics I have been learning to run from a lying start and working towards a crouched normal sprint start.

I know I can do this when I can:
  • Get into the starting position ready to race
  • Push myself up into a running position
  • Aim to run towards the finish line
  • Run hard and fast in a straight line to reach the finish line
  • Run from a crouched sprint starting position.
I can get ready, push myself up and run fast to the finish line. I am learning to run from a crouched sprint start position.

Reading Term 4

In Reading I am learning to:
Read beyond the text and draw inference.

I know when I can do this because I can:
  • Talk about the authors message
  • Ask questions about the text
  • Answer questions about the text
  • Tell others what the text is about

I can already ask and answer questions about the text, and tell others what the text is about. I am learning to talk about the authors message.


I.A.L about fractions.

I will know this when I can:

* draw different shapes and divide them into equal fractions. 

Amber says...

I had fun drawing fractions with Taylor.  I found it hard to draw fractions and make the spaces even. 

Integrated Topic Term 3 - Dance

This term we have been learning to participate and contribute in dance. Click on the link below to see our performance.

Assessment Rubric

Participating & Contributing
I need help to participate and contribute  
I can participate and   contribute  if I am prompted or directed.
I can participate and contribute .
I cannot explain why it is important to do so.
I can participate and contribute .
I can explain why it is important to do so.
I can participate and contribute .
I can explain why it is important to do so.

I act as a role model for others to help them participate and contribute
I seek feedback on how to improve how I can participate and contribute.


WALT measure length and area.

I will know I can do this when I :
- can order objects by length by comparing them.
- use appropriate units to measure length.
- use metres to measure big distances/heights.
- use centimetres to measure smaller lengths/heights. - measure around the perimeter of a shape/object.

Next Step:  Is to measure metres.


WALT: develop different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.

Success Criteria: We will know we can do this if we can:

* solve problems by adding tens.
* solve problems by subtracting tens.
* solve problems by adding tens and ones.
* solve problems by subtracting tens and ones.  

Key:  Green means  - achieved this success criteria
         Orange means - working towards achieving this success criteria. 

Discovery 2014

At Discovery time I have been learning to relate to others.

Success criteria:
Share with others.
Take turns.
Use my manners.
Listen when others are speaking.
Let others join in.
Play fair.

Easy Blog Photo
I am making a card for my sister.

Reading 2014

In Reading I am learning to: 
Ask questions about what we are reading to find out more information.

Success criteria:
Recall what the text is about;
Locate the main points in the text;
Use question starters such as who, what, why and when to form questions that will provide useful information.

My next step:

Read to find the deeper meaning in a text (inference).

Persuasive Arguments

W.A.L.T write a persuasive argument

We will know we can do this when we...
* say what the issue is.
*  give an opinion about the problem.
*  give reasons for our opinion.
*  use conjunctions to show cause and effect.
*  use adjectives to make the argument more powerful.

Amber says...
I liked it when I put in reasons for why we should have play times. 
My next learning is to check that my writing makes sense.


WALT: play the recorder.

We will know we can do this when:
* hold the recorder correctly.
*  use the correct breathing techniques.
*  use the correct fingering to play different notes.
*  can read and perform music with 3-5 notes on the recorder.

Amber says...

In recorder I like learning to play 'Mary had a Little Lamb.'


My next learning step is knowing how to make up my own songs and use correct fingering to play different notes.

Art Workshop

Today with Mr Shaskey we learned about sketching and drawing. We learned to set the limits, draw the outline and then add the shapes.

We can follow instructions and sketch some fruit and vegetables

I liked doing my pumpkin as I liked smudging the orange on it.

To practice the skills I have learnt.

Adventure Writing

WALT write an adventure narrative

We will know we can do this when we can:
Include a beginning, middle and end.

Describe the characters and settings.

*  Use past tense.
Use nouns, adjectives, and action verbs.

* Use capital letters, full stops and speech marks correctly.

Student Comment:

I liked it when I screamed in the cemetery.

Next Step:
To reread my writing and check it makes sense.

C.A.R.E - Learning Co-operatively

W.A.L.T learn to work co-operatively.

We will know we can do this when we can:
*  take turns at the activity
* let other people have a go first
* share our ideas
* focus on completing the task
* work together to complete the task
*  listen to each others ideas.

Student comment:
I liked it when Yarek was helping us to do the puzzle.  I was trying to find the pieces to help finish the puzzle.  My next learning step is to listen to each others ideas.

Fun with Probability

We are learning about probability.

We will know we can do this when we can:
* compare and order events;
*  find all of the possibilities of some events using equipment;
* know that the more times you perform an event the closer you get to the predicted probability.

Next Step:
To apply our knowledge of probability to everyday situations.

Penguin Artwork

WALT: use different painting techniques to paint a picture of a Penguin.


We will know we can do this when:

·    we can mix colours;

·    use different colours to emphasise specific features/details;

·    use different brush stroke techniques to create different effects;

·    we can paint a background.

To use several techniques independently and explain why they are appropriate to my artwork.